Just put this one in your reasource packs folder after download and you're good to go. I, personally use Soartex Fanver for Attack of the B-Team. It seems to have less of an impact on my framerate (vanilla and modded) and I prefer its look over Sphax.
- Attack Of The B Team Modpack Download 1.6.4
- Attack Of The B-team Mod Pack Download Free
- Attack Of The B Team Modpack Download
- Odem Mortis Modpack
- Minecraft Attack Of The B-team Mod Pack Download
In this video we teach you how to download and install the Attack Of The B Team Minecraft Modpack using the Technic Launcher. Hopefully after watching this video you will know how to get Attack Of. Collection of the mods in Attack of the B-Team. Chisel is a mod that adds various forms of common vanilla Minecraft blocks, as well as adding. Minecraft Attack Of The B-Team Servers Servers: 42 Attack of the B-Team is Technic's first ever modpack to launch in conjuction with a charity fundraiser. 100% of all donations will be sent directly to Child's Play. Attack Of The B Team Download. Crayfish's Furniture Mod has been udpated from version to. This is a modpack consisting of 116 mods, this modpack can be easily download from technic launcher this mod was made by the B team (generikb and bdouble0) this is basically an adventuring modpack.
'This modpack was designed with one thing in mind, crazy mad science! With the help of the B-Team we hand picked the wackiest mods we could find and shoved them all in a modpack for you guys. The result is Attack of the B-Team!' - Attack of the B-Team postInstallation and bugs: If you need assistance with any of the installation instructions, see section titled: 'How to Install.' If you have any bugs or problems with the texture pack provided in this post, please include as much detail as possible and post

for MC1.6Show
How to Install:
Show For Attack of the B-Team Texture Pack:- Download the original Sphax PureBDCraft texture pack for MC 1.6.4. For best visual results, download the same size pack for both texture packs.
- Download this texture pack
- Open both .zip texture pack files - copy and paste this texture pack into the original Sphax texture pack.
- Place this newly created texture pack into the folder: *installation path for tekkit*modpacksattack-of-the-bteamresourcepacks
- Run Technic Launcher and select Attack of the B-Team pack - Play
- Goto: Options -- Resource Packs -- and select the Texture pack.
- Enjoy the game
Show 30/09/18 - v1.0.12c by Ironcraft456*Re-added OpenBlocks Block Placer, Crane-related Items(Crane Backpack, Engine, etc.)with proper ones(Thank you Novamanga)
Attack Of The B Team Modpack Download 1.6.4
+Added Flan's Mod vehicleCraftingTable block texture(Thank you Novamanga)*Replaced OpenBlocks bookimage GUI texture with a proper one(Thank you Novamanga)
*Replaced Food Plus Juicer, Refridgerator, and CofeeGrinder GUI textures with proper ones(Thank you Novamanga)
+Added Crane Backpack + Magnet model textures for OpenBlocks(Thank you Novamanga)
+Added Bamboo Stick texture for Tropicraft
*Replaced my bad Food Plus item textures for the Baked Apple, Chicken Dice, and Raw Squid with proper ones
(Thank you Novamanga)
*Re-added OpenBlocks Pedometer textures with proper ones(Thank you Novamanga)
*Re-added OpenBlocks Sonic Glasses Texture with proper ones(Thank you Novamanga)
23/08/18 - v1.0.12c by Ironcraft456
+Added some guis i forgot that weren't in my pack originally
+Added a few Witchery GUI textures
+Added 32x Resolution
*Fixed Artifice Antipaver Blocks(basalt and marble)
*Edited some MFR GUIs slightly to have Sphaxified upgrade slot
*Replaced MFR Planter GUI due to me having issues with it while testing(replacement taken from 1.7.10 Pack patch with a
minor edit by me to back date it to 1.6.4)
*Changed Natura berry textures
*Changed Tropicraft Empty Bamboo Mug Texture(renamed another file)
-Deleted a ton of unnecessary textures
+Added Kopak Leave textures for Tropicraft
Attack Of The B-team Mod Pack Download Free
*Made every Tropicraft texture 128x in the 128x pack vs some 64x spotted in
*Changed Tropicraft Azurite Item, and Palm Leaves Block textures among other things
*Fixed a few Furniture Mod GUIs to solve issues i was having with them personally.(The gui texture appeared misaligned with
the actual slots, so i replaced the old gui textures with newer ones and that seems to have fixed it)
+Added Charged Ritual Chalk texture for Witchery
*Changed Broom Textures for Witchery

*Replaced OpenBlocks AutoAnvil texture(old one is in 'alt' folder)
*Replaced CultivatorOn texture from Fossils with an animated one from Turninator95's patch
*Merged Food Plus textures with the ones from Terminator95's patch
*Replaced Tropicraft Large Chest texture
14/07/18 - v1.0.12c by Ironcraft456
*Fixed BiblioCraft GUIS
Attack Of The B Team Modpack Download
+Added proper GUI/Item textures for Encyclopedia Tropica(Thank you Novamanga)*Made downloads for 64x and 128x
*Replaced some textures with ones from Turninator95's patch, also added some from there.

12/08/16 - v1.0.1
Added 1.0.1 patch by Turinator95
02/06/14 - v1.0
- ***Initial Release***
Added 128x, 64x, 32x Texture Pack
- Added Tropicraft
Added Map Writer
Added Carpenter's Blocks
Added Enhanced Portals 2
Updated Chisel
Updated MFR (liquids)
Updated Open Blocks
Updated Thermal Expansion
- Added BetterStorage
Added Tinker Mechworks
Updated Tropicraft
Odem Mortis Modpack
- v2.0- Added:
- Food Plus
- Advanced Genetics
- Bibliocraft
- Sync
- chisel
- Minefactory Reloaded
- openblocks
- projectred
- Thermal Expansion
- tinker's Construct
- tinker's mechworks
- tropicraft
ShowTinker's Construct with Mechworks by Novamanga
Hat's Mod by Bobsteru
Biomes O' Plenty by Sir Oldie
Not Enough Items by HanFox
MineFactory Reloaded by KaosKlaus
Project: Red by Duckstepper
Natura by AristaDeathbird
iChun's Morph by Morgsta270
ForgeMultiPart by HanFox
More CTM by CadenDonuts (requires Optifine)
Open Blocks by dozid (put together by Llama Farmer currently)
Archimedes Ships by Morgsta270
iChun's Trailmix by Llama Farmer
Artifice by AranhaPreta
Dragon Mounts by Sranshaft
Galaticraft by Novamanga
LiquidXP by HanFox
Chisel by Rockawill
Witchery by GadZuqs
Minions by BoureySR85; unstitched by lifeseeker128
Tropicraft by Llama Farmer
Map Writer by HanFox
Carpenter's Blocks by HanFox
Enhanced Portals 2 by @explosbluegamer on twitter
Food Plus by Ceasius
Sync by NintendoFan37
Advanced Genetics by Skidznet
BiblioCraft by Neerie
Bibliowoods addons by Linyor
Attack of the B-Team Mod Pack 1.7.10
Attack of the B-Team was the Technic’s first modpack to launch in conjuction with a charity fundraiser. Throughout the week thanks to your generous donations we raised over $22,000 for the Child’s Play Charity. That’s a lot of toys and games for kids! So first of all, thank you to everyone who donated for early access. You helped make a difference and you should be proud of yourself.
Now, about the modpack! This modpack was designed with one thing in mind, crazy mad science! With the help of the B-Team we hand picked the wackiest mods we could find and shoved them all in a modpack for you guys. The result is Attack of the B-Team! Here is what is included:
- Advanced Genetics by ObsiLP
- Archimedes Ships by Balkondeur Alpha
- Artifice by Shukaro
- Biomes o’ Plenty by TDWP_FTW
- Carpenter’s Blocks by Mineshopper
- Chisel by AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Darwin by Manchou
- Dragon Mounts by BarracudaATA
- Enhanced Portals 2 by Alz454
- Flan’s Mod w/ Parts Pack/Modern Warfare/Titan Pack by jamioflan
- Food Plus by JoseTheCrafter
- Fossils and Archaeology: Re-Ported by Team July/Ported by CannibalVox
- Galacticraft by Micdoodle8
- Hamsterrific by Razzleberry Fox
- Hamsters Forever by CannibalVox
- Hats by iChun, Liquid XP by immibis
- Map Writer by Davey Liam
- Minecraft Minions by AtomicStryker
- Minefactory Reloaded by skyboy
- Morph by iChun
- Mr. Crayfish’s Furniture Mod by Mr. Crayfish
- Natura by mDiyo
- Not Enough Items by Chicken Bones
- NEI Plugins by Mistaqur
- Open Blocks by Mikeemoo
- Project Red: by Mr. TJP and Chicken Bones
- qCraft by Dan200
- Random Things by lumien
- Saintspack (Dubstep Gun) by Thieves
- Secret Rooms by AbrarSyed
- Sync by iChun
- The Necromancy Mod by sirolf2009/Ported by CannibalVox
- Thermal Expansion by King Lemming
- Tinkers Construct by mDiyo
- Trailmix by iChun
- Tropicraft by The Tropicraft Team
- Waila by Prof Mobius
- Witchery by Emoniph
- World of Dinos by CannibalVox
Minecraft Attack Of The B-team Mod Pack Download
Download Attack of the B-Team Mod Pack
For 1.7.10/1.7.2
Author: TheDiamondMinecart