Leave the deck-building screen with less than 40 cards

CoolROM.com's game information and ROM (ISO) download page for Yu-Gi-Oh! - Forbidden Memories (Germany) (Sony Playstation). Rom Download for PSX Yu-Gi-Oh! - Forbidden Memories ISO. Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories. Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories acara tentang seorang anak bernama Yugi Moto dan alter-egonya yang tinggal di liontin nya dikenal sebagai Millenium Puzzle, Yami Yugi, yang memainkan permainan kartu yang dikenal sebagai Duel Monsters. Based on the popular anime series, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Forbidden Memories casts you as on of Yugi's ancestors who must travel to ancient Egypt and solve the mysteries of the Shadow Game and the seven magical totems. Rom Download for PSX Yu-Gi-Oh! - Forbidden Memories ISO.

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Many of the early Yugioh games allow you to exit the deck-building screen whether you have a full deck or not (unless you are about to or are currently playing a duel). In Forbidden Memories, exiting the deck building screen will force the campaign mode or Free Duel mode to exit out automatically until you have a full deck ready and available. Sounds counterproductive, right? Well, here's the real kicker, here: You can save your game immediately afterwards. So in essence, you can pretty much save your game after you empty out your entire deck, exit out of your current load game, and then trade all the cards that were once in your deck to a second memory card. This is highly invaluable if you desire to build your deck with the very best cards available right from the start (like, say, nothing but Dragons and Thunder monsters as well as suitable equip cards and Raigeki's). This is not only a highly invaluable hidden technique that is helpful for speed running, but it can also help you defeat Heishin using nothing but the cards you can get in your Starter Deck. Maybe even collect a number of rare cards as well as a near-complete list of Equip cards, 3 Raigeki's, and a complete set of Field Spell cards.
Yu-gi-oh Forbidden Memories Download For Psx
Contributed by: epicgordan